Wednesday, 28 July 2010

A Do-It-Yourself Trip in Galway

What brought me to Galway? I would say it is Jenny dear. According to her colleagues Galway is a nice place to visit. So here we go GALWAY! Before reaching Galway we stopped by at Pei's home which next door is her marvelous bakery workshop. Once she opened the door, we all went 'yayyyy'. Pei was so generous for us eating and sampling her good stuffs.
Pei's wonder tarts

Today Galway has become a popular tourist place in Repulic of Ireland. It is only a few hours drive from Dublin. It has an atmopshere which is same like when you visit Edinburgh. Lots of foreign tourists and excursions available. Instead everyone here decided to follow my DIY excursion. I picked up some of the excursion leftlets and start drawing out routes and plans. It is easy to plan since we have the car plus it is cheaper.
Some weird stuff seen at next to the motorway to Galway

My initial planned route: starting from Galway --> Blackhead --> Cliff of Moher --> Galway
Then turned out: Galway --> Ballingvaun Bay --> Blackhead --> Ballingvaun Junction --> Cliff of Moher --> Galway
My planned route using the tourist brochure

1st scene is Dunguire Castle

Behind Dunguire Castle

The Burrows

Until we reach the Ballingvaun Junction

Break for lunch

Sundried tomato

Nightime in Galway. This area was full of Irish pub and free Irish music.

*actual date May 2010

Monday, 19 July 2010

Wing Wah Restaurant, Birmingham

My so young sister mentioned about this place. Wing Wah besides doing restaurant, they do supermarket and travel agent too.

You can have just buffet or buffet and steamboat. The buffet has dim sum and usual chinese buffet food. There are only few kinds of dim sum, that all in photos below. They have porridge too (made immediately once you order). All dim sums tasted nice. Does anyone know any good dim sum buffet in UK?

My plate of food. However I think their usual Chinese buffet was bad. Too dry and bad bad bad. I guess it is only worth if you go there for steamboat (thumbs up when I looked at their food). It costs ~£15 includes steamboat £13 just buffet.

*actual date 13 Jun 10

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Taste of Persia, Newcastle upon Tyne

Nice to have this place in my city! There are still many undiscovered (by me =P) gems around the city. This one is obvious and I pass by all the time and now I finally step into here to savour their yums! I felt the food seem similar to the eastern Europe dishes e.g. Turkish, a bit of Greeks and some Middle east.

We didn't order much because I wanna leave some room in my tummy for dessert at other place. By the way, go here during lunch time
(12noon - 6pm) for their lunch time special ~£6.50 for 2 courses. We ordered mirza ghasemi (chargilled aubergine and tomato grounded into dip) and nan. You may try the Persian tea too, it tasted minty and has cardamon seed flavour.

We have shishlik (lamb chop marinated and chargrilled) and porlow rice.

Is all the guys from country as such like making up conversation with people? Not that I'm annoyed but just find it really seems to be. I like people like this! But don't come to close coz I'm married =P

Verdict: 7/10 for now since I only tasted two of their yums!
Location: Left side of the Centre for Life main entrance, you will see a row of shop and there is Taste of Persia. Go taste taste lah~

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Best Spring Ever in Ireland

It was my great idea to book this trip so to be with Mei & the saints there and also to have a break from work during my week. We bought the easyjet ticket flying from Newcastle and that time was before the airlines disaster due to the volcanic ash. Mind you a week before we travelled, there was another volcano eruption hence cancelling all the flight to Ireland from Newcastle. But our flights to / back that week after were fine.

I'm so glad to be in Ireland. I miss everyone. What a bless to be in the church life. You should join me in the church life. You get the enjoyment everywhere in the world and where ever you go and live. This time in Ireland we have Sharon & Ray brought us out to tour Belfast city and the Trouble sites / attended the book of Roman's seminar in Belfast and met somelocal Irish friends / babysit little Daniel and ate a feast at his home that filled me outward but also inwardly / experienced Annie's warm hospitality. Then Mei driving with us and Jenny to visit Dublin, Galway and also the Cliff of Moher. In Dublin we have the Lord's table meeting and good fellowship with Pei Pei, Kenneth & Shirley, Alferdo & Catriona at their home. Kenneth even treated us nice Si Chuan cuisine before leaving Dublin. We did the Giant's causeway too. All in all the trip was awsome, please go check out each of the highlights underlined here.

*actual date 22 - 27 May 10

Belfast, The Troubles and Us

First day we in Belfast and we got Mei to pick us from the airport. Sunny weather here, nice! Everytime we have a sunny day, I felt bless because sunny day is hard to afford in the UK. Sharon & Ray, originally from Phillipines took day off to be with us and show us Belfast. David from Birmingham is here too for the Belfast seminar.

Belfast, the main city in the Northern Ireland and is bigger than Newcastle. It has more taller buildings than most cities in UK. And no chewing gum stain on the floor! Sadly it has The Troubles too. I only know the Troubles was due to the political conflict hence war and fight occurred and still occurring between these two christian groups. The people with Catholic and the Protestant background seldom go along together due to there was a time in society, discrimination was seriously bad against the Catholic ones (usually poorer or lower class citizen and not supporting the Queen). The Protestant ones are the opposite. So you can identify yourself by the hanging flags at that area to tell where you are now in Belfast.

It get so bad till a wall and gates are needed to separate the two areas.

Tourists do come here to take photos and also print their name on the wall.

Here is the
loyalist area. Meaning only for the loyal ones here.

Hope this trouble will end soon not just good for the people but also to end the disgrace to God. It is very ungodly for either group to treat their brothers that way when they still say to worship in Christ.

Anyway we also went to Queensland University,

Belfast City Hall (where Titanic, the film have their interior layout especially the grand staircase all copied from this place) and there was also the first ever continental market in Belfast that week and I tried my first Ostrich burger. sosolah~~

Ulster Museum, found inside the botanical garden (the history about The Troubles is here and don't miss the Ice Age exhibition there)

and many shoppings street and malls. The Victoria Albert mall will definately delight or sadden a person I know who also is an architecture from home. He has an idea for a mall as Victoria Albert but got rejected by the engineers due to they think it was impossible to build. The whole building is unique which sorta like indoor shopping but still seem like an outdoor.

There is GBK too and the burger was like 5 stars ***** burger, meaning so so good. Their promotion time is Mon to Fri at 2 - 4pm, £4 instead of the full price (£6 - £8). So I chose the best and popular one.Original price was £8.00 for this bacon, cheese and Angus beef with tomato chutney.

You can also see the whole Belfast city centre when you go up the spiral located centre of the mall.

*actual date 22 - 27 May 10

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Ireland Where a Time with The Saints

... is a blessed time for me. In Belfast it was a good summer time and we were all sitting outside enjoying, talking and ...playing with the babies.
Sis Yang (holding the little Daniel) and Mei in apron have been cooking for us lotsa food...chicken stew with potatoes & carrot, pork fried rice, steam fish with soya sauce, hoi sin duck & wrap, veg Indian curry, M&S lemon meringue and Sharon home made choc cake for little Daniel.

You ask little Daniel "where is Lord Jesus?" he'll go tap tap with his hand to his chest. meaning Lord Jesus is in me. How cute.

This is Annie and her husband both are deaf but you will never imagine how well we each communicated. The hospitality with them was wonderful!

Coincidentally this weekend there is also the 3rd seminar on the book of Roman. And Belfast is chosen for 1 of the 12 cities that holds this seminar. We were in Glasgow for the second one. You should go to one next time if you haven't been to any. I tell you this seminar shows you the revelation of the Bible (this time is from the book of Roman) not from a perspective of man and the holy religious culture that kind but from a perpective of God. I personally have heard enough about Roman but this time I really enjoy the seminar when all the things that reveil is really something I never thought to see it that way...the perspective view from God. Go here for more info.

Then Dublin Here I Come! Knowing that Dublin is a cosmopolitan place like London and most important there is the church there too! We went down in Mei's car very early after a night at Annie's place. Lord bless the church in Dulbin and the propagation there. Here outside the meeting place in Dublin.

in Bro Kenenth & Shirley home during our stay in Dublin. Happy to see saints also from Malaysia.
Do you know meaning of the church, the Body and to you church life is such a life to live? Then it will be meaningful in your Christian living.

*actual date 22 - 27 May 10

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

1st Time Achievement - Peiking Duck + Wrap

This is some other things I will do during my weekend if I'm not away for trips and blending meetings. I hope I can be more active in doing the receipes (I have collected so far). And so I can share you the receipe I successfully pull through or unsuccessfully done. No offence to the author, I'm just sharing my experience here. I know I'm bad in following a receipe diligently but just for normal people like me can do very well in that dishes if that receipe is 100% good.

So I did Peiking duck. Why? Because that weekend Tesco duck was on offer £6. As simple as that. The roast duck here in Chinatown usually £7-8 for half and more for a whole one and I want duck =)

Did some googling and Euphocafe seem to have good & successful Peiking duck receipe. Oh by the way I use bicycle pump to blow air into the duck breast instead. I don't have such breathe to blow with a plastic straw.

Good luck to those who are doing Peiking duck at home. It tasted good but now I know I rather buy instead =P. Well one achievement for this girl. Oh must never substitute with honey. Just myself felt it doesn't taste as very authentic if with honey.

I substituted chive for cucumber strip and spring onion because I have none at that time. The wrap was perfect!

The look of my duck that just out from the oven.

Thursday, 10 June 2010


符名玮你当记住你主的应许:“你们要先寻求祂的国和祂的义,这一切就都要加给你们了。”(太六33。)我们若寻求神的国和神的义,神必定会照顾我们的生活。不要靠自 己出去打鱼。你若想要靠自己谋生,你会经历失败,至终一无所获。要记住约翰二十一章所启示的,主甚至能在没有鱼的岸上,将鱼豫备好。主会将已经烧好的鱼赐 给我们。

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Building my house

What would you think of building your own house? Super idea right. I would do it if I have the chance.

Here is a home built by themselves. I'm admiring already.

Newcastle this summer also has the architectural festival.
This one is my favourite - Open House. You get to visit these people's home and most important these houses are eco homes. Cool right. Imagine I can built a water wheel to generate electricity....wah nice.
(picture taken from:

Wednesday, 12 May 2010


──從這六位馬利亞身上,我們可以看見一個屬靈成長的過程。 ──

羅馬書十六章6節,保羅提到一位姊妹馬利亞:「又問馬利亞 安;她為你們多受勞苦。」這位馬利亞是一個勞苦的姊妹
在新約裡有六位馬利亞。第一位是耶穌的母親,一位非常單純 的姊妹,是所有「馬利亞」的根基。第二位是拉撒路和馬大 的姊妹馬利亞,她是一個在主面前享受主同在的人(路十39), 也因著對主的愛,她將自己的香膏枉費在主身上(約 十二3)。第三位是革羅罷的妻子馬利亞,主被釘十字架時, 她一直站在主的身邊(約十九25)。第四位是抹大拉的 馬利亞,她到墳墓那兒去找主,因著她的尋求,就遇見了復活的 主(約二十1、14-17)。
使徒行傳十二章還有一位馬利亞,是馬可的母親。當彼得從監 裡被放出來時,他決定去她的家,因為「在那裡有好些人聚 集禱告」(12節)。這位馬利亞的家是向聖徒打開的,這說出 家打開是一個很高的屬靈彰顯。
最後就是羅馬書十六章所提到的馬利亞,保羅說她是為聖徒們 多多勞苦的。這六位馬利亞,結束在一個勞苦的姊妹身上

從這六位馬利亞身上,我們可以看見一個屬靈成長的過程。一 開始,你向著主有一顆單純的心;接著,你住在主的面光中, 因著愛主而奉獻,願意在祂的身上枉費;第三,你經歷主 的死;第四,你有分於主的復活;第五,你的家打開;最後,你 成為一個勞苦的人。
在此我們看見一個漸進的過程。任何人要成為一個勞苦的人, 都必須經過前面那些階段。你沒有單純的心,你的服事不會 有果效;你不愛主、不奉獻自己,你的服事不會有果效;你 不經歷十字架,不有分於復活,你的服事不會有果效;你不 打開家,總想保有自己的生活,你的服事也不會有果效。我 們經過了馬利亞所代表的這些歷程之後,就會像第六個馬利亞一 樣,成為一個在教會中為著主的見證而勞苦的人。

Saturday, 8 May 2010


华语音乐界里有首名歌叫童话。我问- 你会去相信童话里一对恋人的故事吗?

你们要的答复之问题有没有是 --

正当你还想着要问的时候, 你还是别去问了. 不是因为傲气或怕吓倒人, 而是你们必须先祷告. 你们两个人必须来在一起祷告.

祷告是与神交通, 而你们在这里的一起祷告更是说出你们两个人想要彼此同心, 想要神处于你们的事务中, 处于你恐惧的疑问里. 想要神来成为你们里面的平息, 维护你们彼此的关系. 这不是该要的吗?

但请听, 你们不要谜信. 不要把神当成佛以为多向神求多向神要你的需要就必蒙垂听. 我们不该这么肤浅, 你要认识这位爱我们之神的旨意和心意.

所以我和老公彼此同意一个时间, 为着是要每天来在一起祷告. 我们就祷告(马太6:33)先寻求神的国和神的义, 祷告弟兄姊妹福音朋友属灵的享受, 召会生活的需要, 福音工作与开展, 更是寻求神如今是那灵来每时每刻来分赐祂神圣的成分到我里面, 使我的急性, 小信, 没安全感, 妒嫉, 恐惧, 虚伪, 要人的赞美...都统统去掉, 为叫我能真喜乐, 得胜, 有神的荣耀, 赞美神, 我们更彼此相爱, 同心. 这不是更该要的吗?


哈里路亚! 基督得胜! 我们在祂里面也得胜!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Food Blogroll

Bloggers who cook too and have many successful receipes
Creative/Cute/Decorative cakes.Successful woman.Own a cake shop.Fun/humble/friendly character.
+Diana Yen and Lisel Arroyo
Lives in New York.The yum/healthy western food.
Also from my hometown too.
Eupho Cafe
Many Chinese food receipes

Many Chinese food receipes

Bloggers who know where to eat the good food

A Good Food Quest

A Rather Unusual Chinaman
Malaysian eating his way around London.
London Chow
A Singaporean in London

Malaysia (Home)

~~~~Kuala Lumpur~~~~
+Bangsar babe
Funny humour.


Food I love in KK

Good food websites
Taste spotting

Monday, 26 April 2010




作者: 社区网管

一、喝莲子汤去心火 表现症状:分虚实两种,虚火表现为低热、盗汗、心烦、
口干等;实火表现为反复口腔溃疡、口干、小便短赤、心烦易怒等。 食疗法:
二、吃猪肝可去肺火 表现症状:干咳无痰或痰少而粘、潮热盗汗、手足心热、
失眠、舌红。 食疗法:猪肝1付,菊花30克(用纱布包好),共煮至肝熟,吃肝喝汤。
三、喝绿豆粥去胃火 表现症状:分虚实两种,虚火表现为轻微咳嗽、饮食量少、
便秘、腹胀、舌红、少苔;实火表现为上腹不适、口干口苦、大便干硬。 食疗法:
再加入粳米、绿豆煮粥食之。 四、喝梨水去肝火 表现症状:头痛、头晕、耳鸣、
眼干、口苦口臭、两肋胀痛。 食疗法:川贝母10克捣碎成末,梨2个,削皮切块,
加冰糖适量,清水适量炖服。 五、吃猪腰去肾火 表现症状:头晕目眩、耳鸣耳聋、
腰脊酸软、潮热盗汗、五心烦躁。 食疗法:猪腰2只,枸杞子、山萸肉各15克,

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Because You Haven't yet Enjoying the Lord Much

"You seem content". I ask myself, do I? Lately I felt strees, uncertain, tire, easily worried and always have negative thoughts. My heart has not resting and no peace. The conversation we had before from the home meeting appears again - "Because you have not yet enjoy the Lord much."I turned and said "yes" then immediately I ask Oh Lord! fill me now. I wanna be fill with the Triune God. Fill me now, fill me. Take away the negative elements. I'm now ascended to the heaven, nothing bad can now touch me. I want to sing and praise. Can't wait to play my guitar =) I call "Oh Lord Jesus"~~~~~

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Old Orlean Bar & Restaurant, Surrey Quay, London

This place is near to where I stayed in London. There is cinema and bowling centre here too. We initially gonna go to this place for the Vietnamese place but realised it was still closed for xmas holiday.
Felt very upsetting and hungry and so we ended up in here. Well not a bad place to be either although it's not food I have planned to eat that night. This place serves food for people in Old Orlean. Is there really a place call Old Orlean? Because I just know there's New Orlean in USA and is populated with African American.
This place is very vibrant and jazz is the kind of music there. Maybe google it next time.
So here is my potato skin with sour cream. Quite nice but I prefer the shaved version rather than the scooped-out and left over skin.

Corn bread with lamb stew in chorizo, carrot, potato and tomatoes.

Mei's salad with cheddar cheese, anchoive, croutons & banana and toffee milk shake. I tasted it and will definately come back for this.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Oneil Irish Pub and Bar, Newcastle upon Tyne

When you're hungry and want some nice pub food but not too expensive, you have come to the right place if it is the Oneil Irish Pub and Bar.

They serves the Irish mash potato, calcannon. It was a special than normal mash as it was mixed with shreadded cabbage leaf. The texture was smooth and thick. Totally fall for it.

Then there is the Irish sausage which the taste was normal for me. I still miss the best ever sausage - Cumberland sausage which hubby bought from COOP supermarket. Hardly see them now. =(

Hubby order the seafood calcannon pot. Yum!

The lamb stew in Irish bread was normal plus maybe it's me because for the lamb I like it has to be cooked like the Indian kinda lamb curry way.
The food is really nice however they only have one chef. This annoyed me the most because when we came here they told us the chef won't take any more order until 3pm. Wah, like that also can do business one....!!!

You may also order burger and chips which the usual thing on British pub food menu. So when I'm back again I'll order seafood calcannon pot.

Verdict: Food - 8/10, Price 8/10
Location: Opposite Newcastle Central Station

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Knowing the Lord’s Recovery

Thank you Lord you have recovered many truth in the Bible. Since brother like Martin Luther until today, we now have the opened up truth in the Bible. Lord, give me the seeking heart to know your word and know it right so your heart desire is reviewed to me.

If you read the Bible, you should also understand the church history and also Lord's recovery. Don't be ignorant, seek the right truth for yourself if you care about God and His heart desire. Yes I know many times we like to seek God for our own benefits, but what about His heart desire? Here are some points gathered from the brothers' sharing about Lord's recovery. Our Lord is recovering the truth which truth has misunderstood or mislead. Ask yourself will Lord let the evil one to take His word to mislead His children from His heart desire? No. So He is here recovering. He is merciful to me because I know the truth today. I hope many of my Christian friends will too.

Below are reminder for myself. You welcome to know too.

1. Being Up-to-Date in Knowing the Lord’s Recovery
2. The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery—(1) The First Great Pillar—the Truth
3. The Three Aspects of the Lord's Recovery—(1) The Divine Revelation in the Bible
4. The Three Aspects of the Lord's Recovery—(2) The God-man Life
5. The Three Aspects of the Lord's Recovery—(3) The Practice of the Church
6. The Vision and Practice of the Genuine One Accord

We concluded the conference with the following proposal:
I. Take the way of the Lord's recovery:
A. Be converted into little children—forget all the problems and offenses and remain open to learn
B. Enter into the truth in a definite way
C. Experience Christ as life in their daily living
D. Pray:
1. Confessing their sins and weaknesses to have a good conscience
2. Praying for all the saints who are still being misled and have stopped meeting (We estimated that there are as many as 400 who have discontinued the meeting life.)
E. Love the saints who are meeting and have not been meeting by sharing with them our enjoyment—do not criticize or strive with them
F. Use the Recovery Version to teach the truth and preach the gospel in their neighborhoods, work places, schools, and to their relatives and friends

II. If they practice these things, then they can expect the following to happen:
A. The number among them will increase
B. Some of the misled saints will return to the Lord's recovery (There are 250 still meeting there.)
C. Some of the saints who have stopped meeting will resume (There are approximately 400 who have stopped meeting in the past several years.)
D. It may take five to ten years for the situation to normalize; therefore, be patient with the others yet go on in a positive way.

We recommended that they read these books and study the Recovery Version diligently:
1. The Vision of the Age
2. The Economy of God
3. The All-inclusive Christ
4. God's New Testament Economy
5. Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups
6. The Training and Practice of the Vital Groups
7. The Vital Groups
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