Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Knowing the Lord’s Recovery

Thank you Lord you have recovered many truth in the Bible. Since brother like Martin Luther until today, we now have the opened up truth in the Bible. Lord, give me the seeking heart to know your word and know it right so your heart desire is reviewed to me.

If you read the Bible, you should also understand the church history and also Lord's recovery. Don't be ignorant, seek the right truth for yourself if you care about God and His heart desire. Yes I know many times we like to seek God for our own benefits, but what about His heart desire? Here are some points gathered from the brothers' sharing about Lord's recovery. Our Lord is recovering the truth which truth has misunderstood or mislead. Ask yourself will Lord let the evil one to take His word to mislead His children from His heart desire? No. So He is here recovering. He is merciful to me because I know the truth today. I hope many of my Christian friends will too.

Below are reminder for myself. You welcome to know too.

1. Being Up-to-Date in Knowing the Lord’s Recovery
2. The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery—(1) The First Great Pillar—the Truth
3. The Three Aspects of the Lord's Recovery—(1) The Divine Revelation in the Bible
4. The Three Aspects of the Lord's Recovery—(2) The God-man Life
5. The Three Aspects of the Lord's Recovery—(3) The Practice of the Church
6. The Vision and Practice of the Genuine One Accord

We concluded the conference with the following proposal:
I. Take the way of the Lord's recovery:
A. Be converted into little children—forget all the problems and offenses and remain open to learn
B. Enter into the truth in a definite way
C. Experience Christ as life in their daily living
D. Pray:
1. Confessing their sins and weaknesses to have a good conscience
2. Praying for all the saints who are still being misled and have stopped meeting (We estimated that there are as many as 400 who have discontinued the meeting life.)
E. Love the saints who are meeting and have not been meeting by sharing with them our enjoyment—do not criticize or strive with them
F. Use the Recovery Version to teach the truth and preach the gospel in their neighborhoods, work places, schools, and to their relatives and friends

II. If they practice these things, then they can expect the following to happen:
A. The number among them will increase
B. Some of the misled saints will return to the Lord's recovery (There are 250 still meeting there.)
C. Some of the saints who have stopped meeting will resume (There are approximately 400 who have stopped meeting in the past several years.)
D. It may take five to ten years for the situation to normalize; therefore, be patient with the others yet go on in a positive way.

We recommended that they read these books and study the Recovery Version diligently:
1. The Vision of the Age
2. The Economy of God
3. The All-inclusive Christ
4. God's New Testament Economy
5. Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups
6. The Training and Practice of the Vital Groups
7. The Vital Groups

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